
resulting in a dead and 10 wounded.

BEIJING, July 26 Xinhua, according to Thai media reports, Thailand's exiled former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on the 26th in its published information on micro-Bo, called on its supporters not to use violence.

According to reports, he believed in the micro-Bo on his grateful readers.

He also said,This article Source, "If you love me, for my good sake, make the continuing unfair, barbaric behavior to be patient." "Please do not use violence to express their discontent, I do not agree to use violent means."

Thaksin also said that since he opened this year,online discount mbt shoes, since the micro-Bo has had 11.6814 million followers.

July 25, the Thai capital Bangkok suburb of 6 constituencies, Mr vacancy election, the ruling Democratic Party candidates Panni Qi beat the opposition party candidates for the Thai "Red Shirt Army" high-cap leader.

Preliminary election results came out, the Bangkok bomb attacks took place, resulting in a dead and 10 wounded.


