
China Network on July 24 reported that AP British sports minister Hugh Robertson has revealed

China Network on July 24 reported that AP British sports minister Hugh Robertson has revealed, even to organize the 2012 Olympic Games, must also follow the development of a variety of rigorously enforce the new government austerity measures.

Robertson said the Prime Minister Cameron cabinet since coming to power after the implementation of stringent cost-cutting plans to try to eliminate former Labor government left a huge deficit, "The preparations for the Olympics are in financial hardship during the country, we should also consider the elimination of the Olympic Games play a role in the national debt. "

Olympic Contractors Bureau said the second quarter of this year's venue construction costs have saved 10 million pounds. However,but also through such a penalty, Robertson stressed that any costs or reduction should not affect the construction of the premise of the Olympic Games in London. According to Red Net

(This article Source: China Network)


