
but he told Iranian state television interview that the United States supported the two bombings.

Xinhua Beijing on July 20, according to Deutsche Presse-Agentur in Berlin on July 19 News Ahmadinejad said that Iran resume nuclear talks with patience

19,mbt unono, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran was still ready in August, after the end of Ramadan and the Western powers held talks on its nuclear program.

He said: "In the talks, we have the patience to wait now to see them ineffective political show it."

But he said the UN sanctions against Iran will not defer to its nuclear program.

He said the sanctions will only make us happy, because the Iranian experts will be motivated to make up the gap, self-produced products embargo. He also warned the West not to rely on Iranian dissidents. He said: "We are like family, may have small differences, but when faced with external threats,from the bottom, the family will be together."

According to the Associated Press news Tehran on July 18, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - said today that Iran would result in many casualties of the mosque bombing to international organizations sue. Ahmadinejad said the bombing was organized by the United States supports the rebellion launched.

A mosque southeast of Iran in the evening of July 15 there were two suicide bombings, which caused 28 deaths. Rebel organization "Allah Brigade" claimed that this is the Iranian authorities in June the leaders of the organization executed in retaliation.

Ahmadinejad did not specify whether the complaint should be directed against the United States, but he told Iranian state television interview that the United States supported the two bombings.

He talked about the bombing, said: "If Obama did not know these actions by U.S. forces, then we tell him that the U.S. military in Afghanistan and Pakistan to provide support for these actions."

(This article Source: Xinhua)

