
perhaps more basic and practical results

BEIJING, July 19 Xinhua Hong Kong \The editorial says, German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently visited China and signed several agreements to reflect the wider areas of cooperation between the two countries will deepen. Indeed the two geo-strategic cooperation and to shape the great potential of the new world order: the German form of G2, perhaps more basic and effective.

article excerpts are as follows:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to China recently signed a number of agreements between government and enterprises, reflecting the broader areas of cooperation between the two countries will further deepen. Last Saturday,Taiwan Pavilion, Premier Wen also visited Xi'an pro accompany Merkel, visited the two countries shared a joint venture, which fully demonstrates the Chinese side attaches great importance to bilateral cooperation. No doubt, the world's financial situation in this volatile situation, and international order in the turn of the new and old, the German Asia-Europe region as the full cooperation of the two countries, especially the development of far-reaching historical significance.

years of economic and trade exchanges between China and Germany have come a long way, Germany has become the largest European investor in China, Sino-German trade volume has exceeded 100 billion U.S. dollars in more than China and the United Kingdom, France, Italy and other countries total trade . German companies keen on opening up China's trade and investment opportunities, and actively to the inland areas and high-tech industries expanded, including new emerging areas such as energy and environmental protection. Agreement signed by both sides will cover climate protection, electric transport, environmental protection park in the field, but also financial, economic and technological, export credit as well as cultural and other fields. Germany's Siemens and Daimler-large enterprises, also signed with Chinese enterprises in the new engine and car joint venture, worth a total of about 10 billion U.S. dollars.

bilateral economic cooperation has a good foundation and strong complementarity. As a rapidly emerging economic power, the German company is a good export market and investment objectives. In recent years, the fierce impact of financial crisis, the German company is relying on China to reduce the impact on the market: Last year, Germany's major trading partners, only exports to China grow. On the other hand, the level of German technology and manufacturing high yield and quality factors better, since China has become an important provider needed for development.

In addition, Germany in the European Union is the attitude of trade with China more open country, during the Sino-German joint announcement, the German will be committed to vigorously promote the development of China-EU economic relations, including as soon as possible by the EU to recognize China's full market economy status. On the other hand, the German Prime Minister also expressed hope that China will more German companies to open their markets to allow them to enter.

Germany in the course of production on the great opportunities and mutually beneficial cooperation, but in this, the two countries has a more extensive common interests. As manufacturing production and exports are both big countries want more globalization and international trade development, it is emphasized in the joint announcement the two sides opposed to all forms of trade and investment protectionism. This also raises the deeper layers of strategy between the two countries in common, as Premier Wen said when meeting with Merkel: the decision of the German financial crisis spread to help each other, and one and a half after the two countries have passed the test of crisis .

the same boat and stand the test of German Yao, Liang Guo from many things in common: Zaijingjishang seeks to develop, through 改革, structural adjustment, to enhance competitiveness, attention Shiyeerfei too abstract of financial speculation, civil attention to savings and prudent lending, the official attitude of the public debt charge, not laissez-faire fiscal deficit and national debt soared. Specific manifestation of these, one is are both exports and current account surplus Yuda Guo. But also because of Germany with the same advantages, and can stand out in a crisis, it attracted a number of vicious attacks on European and American public opinion, and even some cursing the two countries together, mean \source and so on.

groundless accusations against China and Germany since these should be justified on a counter, but it also reminds people that the two countries do have geo-strategic cooperation, and shared the great potential of shaping the new world order: the rise of China represents an emerging force, but Germany represents a more pragmatic faction in the old forces, other than the U.S. model in the search for the rebirth of the road. Germany posed by the G2, perhaps more basic and practical results, not only the development of Sino-German idea of close, Germany does not maintain the domination of some countries which fear of China and the Taiwan issue are complex, may make it easier for both sides to reach mutual trust and beneficial cooperation, both bilateral and global benefit.

