
but really have not seen come back so quickly turn around so fast - the three days

According to Beijing News reported that the abundance of Jiangxi Province by the city health bureau official travel in groups during the flood, Bureau of Health Gan Zhihua was removed from office, but just three days after, he transferred party secretary of Health and Council.

officials were seen after removal from the back, and also met officials were punished after the removal of off-site promotions or turn around, but really have not seen come back so quickly turn around so fast - the three days, just three days, a handled by the Secretary of accountability suddenly become secretary of the absolute fastest comeback record official record.

people become far more ridiculous is that this is only for the officials of fat ass a little nest of accountability Nueliao Nue,want to leave the perfect moment. Photo finish, the official was nerve to say \Faced with this farce of pretending to deal with, people are not also the pretend happy applause with this? However, who can delight them? Flood crisis, people's lives and property into the threat of flooding, as a civil servant who eat people official's salary, which should be the people getting rid of danger except inevitable difficulties. And the Health Secretary guys, would not join the front line in efforts during the flood it when, surprise, the Council also organized groups of officials from public funds to go overseas travel, neglect the public opinion by mail, tear organizational discipline. On the generation of violation of discipline for such accountability, it is only natural.

But this \The relationship between party and government posts and the level is well known, \The City Commission for Discipline Inspection Xuejun Feng emphatic statement like \Does this alleged desecration of the public intellectual, but also Guanguanxianghu it? This treatment is difficult to convince the people. (Zhang devastated)

